
World Defense Show
Atheeb Intergraph Saudi Company (AISC) participates in World Defense Show, a fully integrated and future-focused defense event set to showcase the latest technological developments from across the globe.
Workflow Management
Organizing Works for immediate Permits of Sub-Municipalities (Phase II)
Building Permits General Directorate
Organize the Technical and Engineering Works for Permits and Transactions in the Building Permits General Directorate
High Commission on Buildings & Facilities
Consulting Services Project of the Grievances and Complaints Committee and the High Commission on Buildings and Facilities
Yasref MOC Services
MOC Services - Phase 2
Sabic Services
Data Upgrade and Training Services for SmartPlant Tools and SPF
Samsung APOC EDMS Project
Implementation of SDx at APCO
Enppi SPPID Software Lease
Lease of SPPID licenses
Lubref Isometric Implementation
Sale and Implementation of SmartPlant Isometrics software